Serve & Earn

Giving back to the community provides a sense of fulfillment and is considered a noble act of kindness. Such volunteering service is unparalleled when it helps in the betterment of the socio-economic development of the country. Such charitable acts are performed without expecting a direct financial gain, but they are not without rewards. If you wish to serve the nation and earn rewards, then you are on the right platform!

t's simple, worth it, and there is no conflict of interest

Works towards transforming the local vendor by upskilling them

Works towards transforming the local vendor by upskilling them

Get recognized for your effort with certificates and much more

Nature of User Points Milestone Points* Amount on Milestone
Job Seeker 5 1,000 POINTS Rs.200
Job Provide 20
Service Seeker 5
Service Provider 20
  • * Points will become redeemable after 1st successful transaction by the new registered us
  • ** All values are subject to change